2021's Top 5 Plant-Based Proteins

Here's what you need to know about finding a premium plant-based protein powder

A Premium Plant-Based Protein Can: 

  • Increase muscle mass
  • Offer a full amino acid profile
  • Help curb hunger cravings
  • Deliver essential vitamins and minerals 
  • Support healthy weight management 
  • Boost energy and performance

Plant Protein Buying Guide

For years, plant-based protein supplements were industry underdogs, forced to the live in the shadows of meat and dairy. But over the past decade they've accomplished the impossible, and today they're competing toe-to-toe with protein titans like whey and casein

This is especially good news for people who are lactose-intolerant, vegan or vegetarian, or who simply want a healthier, eco-friendly way to get protein. But its popularity has also opened the door to shady companies trying to cash in on plant proteins' success, flooding the market with low-grade products

Sorting through the hundreds of products on the market—or even knowing what to look for in the first place—can quickly add up to a big consumer headache. Fortunately, we've done the tough part for you. 

Below, we'll show you exactly what to look for in a premium plant-based protein powder, what you should avoid, and a look at our top 5 favorite products of 2021. 

Finding The Right Ingredients

The first and best place to start is with the ingredients. This may sound like a no-brainer, but with this is where plant proteins can get tricky. 

Unlike animal-derived protein, plants are almost never complete proteins, meaning they lack one or more of the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs). EAAs are the building blocks that make up protein and what your body actually uses once it breaks down a protein chain. 

In fact, only a handful of plants—like pea and soy—have all nine present. But even they are low in one or two. Fortunately, there's a way make up for these amino acid deficits, and it's actually quite simple: use multiple plants

Do More Plants Equal a Better Protein? 

Short answer: usually. Any plant-based protein powder worth its salt uses a diverse blend of plants, as doing so helps compensate for any low or missing EAAs. 

Pea protein is a great starting point since it already has all 9 EAAs. Combining it with 3 or 4 other plant sources is more than enough to ensure a complete and robust protein powder. But there's a limit to this formula. 

Some companies boast using dozens of plant sources—some up to 50! Combining that many plants won't add much value to your protein (but it does let companies jack up their prices). 

Key Ingredients to Look for & Avoid in Your Protein

As we mentioned earlier, pea protein is a great foundation in any plant-based protein since it's already quite robust. For an exceptional protein powder, look for products that combine pea protein with 2 or 3 of the following ingredients below. 

  • Look For
  • Pea protein
  • Pumpkin seed
  • Watermelon seed
  • Sacha inchi
  • Brown rice 
  • Hemp
  • Avoid
  • Hydrogenated oils
  • More than 2g sugar/serving
  • Single plant sources

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame might please your taste buds, but research has shown that they can become toxic over time. Additionally, studies have shown that some artificial sweeteners are actually more addicting than sugar!

What Else To Consider Before Buying

For a truly exceptional protein, look for a product that meets the following criteria: 

Organic, Non-GMO Ingredients 

Organic, non-GMO ingredients are grown without pesticides or other harmful chemicals that can be detrimental to your health. 

Strong Money-Back Guarantee

It’s always a good idea to invest in a supplement that offers a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. Look for brands that offer at least a 90-day money-back guarantee

Positive And Authentic Reviews 

Make sure to check with the ShopOwl algorithm before purchasing a product, so you can get a clear understanding of what other customers liked and didn't like about it. This will help you make a more informed purchase. 


Organic Protein
Sold by: Live Conscious

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Quality Rank A


After our algorithm searched over 5,000 data points and analyzed 52 variables, Organic Protein by Live Conscious received a high score for its quality. 

Review Rank A 


Although there are not many reviews yet, our algorithm determined that a majority of the reviews for this product are accurate. 

Value Rank A


Considering these different variables, we determined that this product has a good purchase value. 

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Plant-Based Protein
Sold by: Essential Elements

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Quality Rank A


After our algorithm searched over 5,000 data points and analyzed 52 variables, Plant-Based Protein by Essential Elements received a high score for its quality. 

Review Rank A 


Our algorithm determined that roughly 100% of reviews were genuine. 

Value Rank A-


We've determined that this product has an A- value rank due to the slightly higher price point.  

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Organic Protein & Superfoods
Sold by: Orgain

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Quality Rank B+ 


After our algorithm searched over 5,000 data points and analyzed 52 variables, Organic Protein & Superfoods by Orgain received a B grade for its quality.

Review Rank A 


Our algorithm marked 95% of the reviews as genuine.

Value Rank B+


Considering the somewhat strong quality rank and the strong review rank, our algorithm has determined that this product has a A- value rank. 

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Shake Meal Replacement
Sold by: 310 Nutrition

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Quality Rank B 


After our algorithm searched over 5,000 data points and analyzed 52 variables, Shake Meal Replacement by 310 Nutrition received an average grade of B for its quality.

Review Rank A


Our algorithm marked 9.4% of the reviews as potentially fraudulent.

Value Rank B 


Considering the average quality rank and the mediocre review rank, our algorithm has determined that this product has a B value rank. 

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Plant Based Protein
Sold by: Truvani

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  • Review RankB-
  • Value RankC+
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Quality Rank A 


After our algorithm searched over 5,000 data points and analyzed 52 variables, Plant Based Protein by Truvani received a high score for its quality. 

Review Rank B-


Nearly 26% of the reviews on this product were flagged as being potentially fraudulent. 

Value Rank C+ 


Considering the high quality rank as well as the higher than average fraudulent reviews, our algorithm determined that this product's value score is a C+. 

Marketplace Rating:
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of 100


  1. Hoffman JR, Falvo MJ. Protein - Which is Best?. J Sports Sci Med. 2004;3(3):118-130. Published 2004 Sep 1.
  2. Appel LJ, et al. Effects of protein, monounsaturated fat, and carbohydrate intake on blood pressure and serum lipids: results of the OmniHeart randomized trial. JAMA. 2005 Nov
  3. Ho MH, Wong WH, Chang C. Clinical spectrum of food allergies: a comprehensive review. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2014 Jun
  4. Babault N, et al. Pea proteins oral supplementation promotes muscle thickness gains during resistance training: a double-blind, randomized, Placebo-controlled clinical trial vs. Whey protein. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2015 Jan 21
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  6. Legumes and pulses. (2020, October 16). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/legumes-pulses/
  7. Ronald J. Maughan, Quality Assurance Issues in the Use of Dietary Supplements, with Special Reference to Protein Supplements, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 143, Issue 11, November 2013, Pages 1843S–1847S